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Zoo qhia los ntawm Madame Recamier: keeb kwm thiab kev cai

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Zoo qhia los ntawm Madame Recamier: keeb kwm thiab kev cai
Zoo qhia los ntawm Madame Recamier: keeb kwm thiab kev cai

Video: Zoo qhia los ntawm Madame Recamier: keeb kwm thiab kev cai

Video: Zoo qhia los ntawm Madame Recamier: keeb kwm thiab kev cai
Video: Yasmi - Ntsuj Plig Npau Suav 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

"Madame Recamier's divination" yog hom solitaire uas kwv yees lub neej yav tom ntej thiab piav qhia txog tam sim no. Madame Recamier yog ib tug neeg nto moo hauv Fab Kis, thiab kuj yog ib tus neeg qhuas txog ntau yam kev ua koob tsheej. Nws ntseeg tau hais tias divination los ntawm cov txheej txheem no tuaj yeem kwv yees cov xwm txheej yav tom ntej hauv tus neeg lub neej. Hauv kab lus no, peb yuav xav txog qhov kev coj ua divinatory.

divination los ntawm madame recamier
divination los ntawm madame recamier

French solitaire games

Fabkis daim npav kis tau yog ib txwm muaj. Hauv Fab Kis, ntau qhov kev ua si solitaire tau tsim, ob qho tib si rau kev ua si thiab rau divination. Solitaire "Fortune-qhia Madame Recamier" tau txais nws lub npe nyob rau hauv kev hwm ntawm tus zoo nkauj aristocrat ntawm Napoleonic era. Raws li ib tug poj niam nto moo thiab hostess ntawm lub tsev sau ntawv, tus zoo nkauj Julie Recamier tau koob meej nyob rau hauv Lavxias teb sab faj tim teb chaws thiab European lub teb chaws.

lub tsev ntawm lub hnub divination madame recamier
lub tsev ntawm lub hnub divination madame recamier

Leej twg yog Madame Recamier?

JulietRecamier yog ib tug naas ej Fabkis txoj socialite. Nws lub tsev sau ntawv tau nyiam cov neeg Parisians los ntawm kev sau ntawv thiab kev nom kev tswv ntawm lub xyoo pua 19th thaum ntxov. Zoo nkauj thiab ua kom zoo nkauj, Juliet yog qhov muag heev thiab rhiab ntawm qhov xwm txheej. Tau ntau xyoo lawm, nws lub salon hauv Paris yog ib lub hauv paus tseem ceeb ntawm kev sau ntawv thiab nom tswv cov neeg tseem ceeb ntawm Fabkis thiab tau suav tias yog lub koom haum fashionable tshaj plaws hauv lub nroog. Nws poob rau hauv kev hlub nrog ntau tus cwj pwm nto moo, thiab kuj yog tus cwj pwm ntawm kev saj zoo thiab sophistication.

divination solitaire madame recamier
divination solitaire madame recamier

Cov ntsiab lus thiab cov cai ntawm divination

The "Divination of Madame Recamier" los ntawm "Lub Tsev ntawm Lub Hnub", ib hom kev divination ancient Indian. Yuav twv kom raug li cas?

  • Muaj nees nkaum tsib daim npav hauv kev xyaum. Txhua daim npav muaj daim duab ntawm ib feem ntawm ntau yam khoom.
  • Daim npav yuav tsum tau muab tso rau hauv 5x5 square.
  • Tom qab tso daim npav, qee qhov sib tw ua ke.
  • Tom qab ntawd koj yuav tsum tig daim npav ncig nws qhov axis yam tsis tau txav mus rau lwm qhov chaw.
  • Tsuas yog cov duab sib phim xwb thiaj li yuav tau ua raws li Vajtswv txoj kev coj, thiab lawv yuav tsum tau txhais.

txhais lub ntsiab ntawm daim npav

Hauv qab no yog cov cim rau kev txhais qee daim npav hauv Madame Recamier's Divination:

  1. Lub hnub cim qhov xwm txheej zoo, ua tiav ntawm kev sim siab, thiab rau tus neeg mob, txhais tau tias rov zoo.
  2. Berry yog lub cim zoo heev, txhais tau tias kev vam meej thiab ua tiavcov hom phiaj.
  3. tswm ciab sawv cev rau kev tsis ntseeg thiab kev xav txog lub xeev tam sim no thiab ceeb toom tawm tsam kev txiav txim siab nrawm.
  4. Lub siab yog lub cim ntawm kev hlub zoo, kev mob siab rau, kev sib hlub.
  5. Stork yog lub cim ntawm kev sib raug zoo thiab kev sib raug zoo ntawm tsev neeg.
  6. pob tawb - kev yuav khoom loj thiab tau txais tos koj.
  7. lub kaus mom cim qhov ua tiav ntawm txhua lub hom phiaj nyiam thiab ua tiav ntawm kev npau suav.
  8. Tsob ntoo txhais tau tias kev vam meej thiab kev vam meej nyob rau yav tom ntej.
  9. Kuv yog tus nas yog qhov ua rau ntawm kev dag ntxias, kev ntxeev siab, teeb meem.
  10. Paj - koj yuav tsum ua haujlwm hauv tsev.
  11. Baby - xav kom tus menyuam yug tshiab hauv tsev neeg hluas.
  12. Lub hnab ntawv yog lub cim uas txhais tau tias koj tau txais qee yam xov xwm.
  13. Lub thawv rau khaub ncaws sawv cev rau txoj kev. Ib tug neeg tab tom tos mus ncig lossis so mus txawv tebchaws.

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