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Cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow

Cov txheej txheem:

Cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow
Cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow

Video: Cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow

Video: Cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow
Video: Tswv Yexus lub neej thaum pib txug thaum xaus 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Ntau txhiab lub tsev teev ntuj Orthodox tau tsim thiab ua haujlwm hauv tebchaws Russia. Lub suburbs ntawm Moscow yog tshwj xeeb tshaj yog nplua nuj nyob rau hauv cov miraculous vaj tse, qhov twg rau ntau centuries lub tsev teev ntuj raug tsa rau lub yeeb koob ntawm Vajtswv. Rau tag nrho cov connoisseurs ntawm Lavxias teb sab architecture, hauv qab no yog cov feem ntau amazing thiab zoo nkauj pawg ntseeg ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow. Los ntawm kev mus xyuas cov chaw no, txhua tus tuaj yeem hnov lub hwj chim thiab kev tshav ntuj ntawm peb tus Tswv.

Temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

cov tuam tsev nyob ze Moscow
cov tuam tsev nyob ze Moscow

Lub tuam tsev Novo-Nikolsky tau tsim tsa thaum kawg ntawm xyoo pua 17th hauv Mozhaisk. Nco ntsoov cov tuam tsev zoo tshaj plaws ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow, nws tsis tuaj yeem hais txog nws. Lub tsev style yog neo-Gothic. Kev tsim kho txuas ntxiv mus rau xyoo pua 18th. Xav txog cov ntaub ntawv Gothic, romantic-Gothic cov ntsiab lus, ib qho tuaj yeem txiav txim siab tam sim ntawd tias cov neeg tsim khoom koom nrog Kazakov lub tsev kawm ntawv. Lub tuam tsev tau tsim tsa nyob rau hauv qhov chaw uas Nikolsky Rooj vag ntawm Mozhaisk Kremlin nyob. Lub roob, qhov twg ib feem ntawm Kremlin phab ntsa nyob, yog qhov siab heev, yog li lub tsev ntawm lub tuam tsev yog pom los ntawm qhov deb tshaj plaws. Thaum Ntiaj Teb Tsov Rog II, lub tsev tau raug puas tsuajdomed rotunda puas. Nyob rau hauv lub Soviet tsoom fwv, ib tug knitting Hoobkas nyob rau hauv lub rov qab tsev nyob rau hauv lub sij hawm ntev, txij li thaum nruab nrab-80s lub tsev khaws puav pheej keeb kwm tau ua haujlwm ntawm no. Nws tsuas yog nyob rau xyoo 1990 xwb uas cov kev pabcuam saum ntuj los tau rov pib dua hauv lub tuam tsev, uas tam sim no tuav tsis tu ncua. Koj tuaj yeem mus rau lub tuam tsev raws txoj kev loj Mozhaisk lossis los ntawm tsheb ciav hlau los ntawm Belorussky railway chaw nres tsheb.

Church of the Nativity of the Virgin

cov tsev teev ntuj hauv Moscow thiab cheeb tsam Moscow
cov tsev teev ntuj hauv Moscow thiab cheeb tsam Moscow

Lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Nativity ntawm lub Virgin nyob rau hauv Podmoklovo. Lub tsev teev ntuj tau ua nyob rau hauv Peter lub sij hawm. Embodies cov style ntawm Western European Baroque. Nws yog nyob rau ntawm ntug dej siab ntawm Oka, ua los ntawm cib. Lub ob-qhov siab rotunda yog them los ntawm lub siab dome, uas yog ua tiav los ntawm lub teeb nruas. Nyob rau hauv thawj qhov chaw nyob rau hauv lub décor ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj muaj ib tug loj heev pob zeb carving, uas yog ua los ntawm cov kws txawj heev craftsmen. Lub dav hlau ntawm lub pilaster yog sau nrog carvings, raws li zoo raws li lub thib ob theem ntawm lub nyem frieze. Sab hauv ntawm lub tuam tsev yog tag nrho raws li cov style ntawm sab nrauv. Lub crepe cornice tau txhawb nqa los ntawm pilasters.

Yog tias koj txiav txim siab mus xyuas cov tsev teev ntuj zoo tshaj plaws hauv Moscow thiab cheeb tsam Moscow, mus rau Podmoklovo yuav tsis nyuaj. Los ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb ciav hlau hauv Serpukhovo, cov tsheb npav khiav mus rau qhov chaw no ob peb zaug hauv ib hnub. Los ntawm tsheb, koj yuav tsum mus raws txoj kev loj Simferopol. Daim paib "Ntawm Lukyanovo" yuav qhia koj qhov twg yuav tig.

Tuam Tsev ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow. Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Assumption Cathedral

cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj nyob ze Moscow
cov tuam tsev zoo nkauj nyob ze Moscow

Lub tsib-domed Assumption Cathedral tau tsim nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua 16th nyob deb ntawm qhov behest ntawm John IV qhov txaus ntshai nyob rau hauv heevnruab nrab ntawm Lavra. Tus huab tais nws tus kheej thiab nws tsev neeg tau koom nrog kev tso lub tuam tsev. Kev txhim kho ntawm Assumption Cathedral yog qhov tseem ceeb hauv tebchaws. Twb tau tom qab kev tuag ntawm Ivan qhov txaus ntshai, lub tuam tsev tau fij tseg, uas tau koom nrog huab tais tus tub nrog nws tus poj niam. Lub Assumption Cathedral ntawm Moscow Kremlin tau ua tus qauv rau kev tsim kho lub tuam tsev. Lub tuam tsev tau tsim tsa zoo ib yam li lub nroog duab ntawm tsib-apse tsib-domed qauv, tab sis nws qhov loj dua nws. Cov phab ntsa du ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj yog dai kom zoo nkauj nrog arcade-columnar siv, uas yog ib txwm rau Vladimir-Suzdal architecture. Sab hauv yog striking nyob rau hauv nws loj, saturation ntawm lub teeb. Cov pylons loj tuav cov ntoo khaub lig vaults, dav qhov rais qhib radiate lub teeb muaj zog ntws. Lub tsev teev ntuj tau pleev xim rau hauv peb lub hlis los ntawm cov masters nto moo nyob rau hauv kev taw qhia ntawm cov neeg txawj kos duab ntawm nws lub sijhawm, Dmitry Plekhanov. Cov neeg tuaj ncig xyuas lub tuam tsev zoo nkauj tshaj plaws hauv cheeb tsam Moscow muab Assumption Cathedral nyob rau hauv ib qho ntawm thawj qhov chaw hais txog lub hwj chim ntawm sab ntsuj plig.

Church of Michael the Archangel

cov tuam tsev nyob ze Moscow yees duab
cov tuam tsev nyob ze Moscow yees duab

Lub Koom Txoos ntawm Michael tus thawj tubtxib saum ntuj nyob hauv Nikolsko-Arkhangelsk microdistrict ntawm Balashikha. Nws belongs rau Balashikha vicariate ntawm Moscow diocese. Lub tsev tau ua los ntawm cib nyob rau hauv Moscow baroque style nrog dawb accents. Lub tsev nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm lub xyoo pua 18th. Lub tuam tsev tau tsim tsa raws li qhov kev thov ntawm tus tub xeeb ntxwv Yuri Dolgorukov, Tub Vaj Ntxwv Alexander Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, tom qab lub tsev teev ntuj ntoo hlawv hauv nws thaj av.

Yog tias peb xav txog tag nrho cov tuam tsev hauv cheeb tsam Moscow, cov duab tuaj yeem qhia txog style, kev zoo nkaujcov tsev. Tab sis zoo li ib zaj dab neeg zoo li ntawm lub Koom Txoos ntawm Michael tus thawj tubtxib saum ntuj, koj yuav tsis pom ntxiv. Xyoo 1812, cov Fabkis hla dhau lub zos Nikolo-Arkhangelsk, tab sis lawv tsis kov lub tuam tsev. Thaum lub sij hawm lub xyoo ntawm lub hwj chim ntawm Soviet, lub tsev kuj tsis raug puas tsuaj, dhau li ntawd, cov kev pab cuam tsis txawm nres nyob rau hauv nws. Cov cim thov Vajtswv thaum ub, txhua yam khoom siv hauv tsev teev ntuj, tag nrho cov khoom kho kom zoo nkauj tau khaws cia hauv lub tuam tsev. Thiab tag nrho cov no yog hais txog lub sij hawm ntawm lub tuam tsev ntawm phab ntsa ntawm lub tuam tsev.

Znamenskaya Lub Koom Txoos

Orthodox churches nyob ze Moscow
Orthodox churches nyob ze Moscow

Lub Koom Txoos Orthodox nyob hauv Dubrovitsy, uas yog 40 km ntawm lub nroog. Lub tsev teev ntuj ntawm Kos npe, koom nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua 17th, ua nto moo rau nws txawv txawv architecture. Ua los ntawm cov limestone dawb, decorated nrog lush nyem. Tom qab txheeb xyuas tag nrho cov tsev teev ntuj Orthodox ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow, peb tuaj yeem xaus tias lub tsev no tsis zoo li lwm yam. Plaub-petalled puag hla mus rau hauv ib tug loj ncej, uas yog crowned tsis yog los ntawm ib txwm dos taub hau, tab sis los ntawm ib tug qauv crown. Nws yog ua los ntawm wrought hlau thiab npog nrog kub nplooj.

Lub zos Dubrovitsy nyob rau ntawm qhov sib txuam ntawm Desna nrog Pakhra Nws yog qhov zoo tshaj plaws los qhuas lub tsev teev ntuj los ntawm toj siab, uas muaj kev pom zoo ntawm tag nrho cov zej zog, suav nrog lub tuam tsev. Nyob rau hauv lub xyoo pua 20th, zoo li ntau lwm lub tuam tsev, lub tsev teev ntuj raug kev txom nyem tsis muaj hmoo. Cov Soviets nyob rau xyoo 1920 tau ua lub tsev khaws ntaub ntawv keeb kwm hauv lub tsev no. Xyoo 1930 lub Koom Txoos Kav Tos Liv raug kaw, thiab nyob rau xyoo 1932 lub tswb nrov tau tawg. Tom qab tsov rog, xyoo 1947, Lub Tsev Haujlwm Saib Xyuas Tsiaj Tsiaj tau muab tso rau hauv lub tsev no, nrog rau nws lub tsev khaws khoom. Tsuas yog xyoo 1990 lub tuam tsev pib rov qab los thiabntawm no Npis Sov Gregory ntawm Mozhaisk tuav thawj liturgy hauv 60 xyoo.

Tuam Tsev ntawm cheeb tsam Moscow. Assumption Cathedral ntawm Kashirchka Kremlin

Lub monumental qauv tau tsim nyob rau hauv lub qub Kashira Kremlin nyob rau hauv nruab nrab ntawm lub xyoo pua 19th. Thawj lub tsev raug puas tsuaj los ntawm hluav taws nyob rau hauv 1718, thiab nyob rau lub sij hawm ntev muaj ruins ntawm qhov chaw no, txij li thaum tag nrho cov craftsmen tau rov qab los ua lub peev. Thaum pib ntawm lub xyoo pua 19th, kev tsim kho ntawm lub tsev teev ntuj tshiab pib. Kev tsim kho tau ua los ntawm kev siv nyiaj ntawm cov neeg pab nyiaj hauv zos. Lub teb chaws Ottoman style raug xaiv rau lub tuam tsev. Tam sim no tus kws kos duab tsis paub txog xaiv lub tsev zoo nkauj. Ib qho array ntawm tus qauv yog ua tiav los ntawm lub majestic tsib-domed qauv, uas muaj lub teeb domed rotunda, uas sib piv nrog me me kaw sab nruas. Sab facades ntawm lub tuam tsev yog nruab nrog rau-columned Tuscan porticos. Phab ntsa kho kom zoo nkauj - hnyav Doric cornices thiab lub teeb rustication. Cov pawg yog ua tiav los ntawm ib tug loj peb-tiered tswb pej thuam.

Pom zoo: