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Sanguine-choleric: nta ntawm temperaments

Sanguine-choleric: nta ntawm temperaments
Sanguine-choleric: nta ntawm temperaments

Video: Sanguine-choleric: nta ntawm temperaments

Video: Sanguine-choleric: nta ntawm temperaments
Video: The Four Temperaments - How To Assess People Quickly 2024, Lub Xya hli ntuj

Muaj plaub hom kev xav: phlegmatic, sanguine, melancholic thiab choleric. Txhua tus ntawm lawv muaj qee yam zoo thiab cov yam ntxwv tshwj xeeb. Nyob rau hauv lub neej tiag tiag, classical "ntshiab" temperaments yog xyaum tsis pom. Txhua tus neeg feem ntau muaj qhov zoo ntawm tag nrho plaub tus cwj pwm. Tsuas yog qee tus cwj pwm tseem ceeb. Piv txwv li, nyob rau hauv ib tug cwj pwm ntawm sanguine-choleric hom, qhov zoo ntawm ob temperaments predominate.

Sanguine choleric
Sanguine choleric

Sanguine neeg sai heev converge nrog lwm tus neeg, zoo siab, muaj peev xwm hloov tau yooj yim ntawm ib hom kev ua ub no mus rau lwm tus, tiam sis, lawv tsis nyiam monotonous thiab monotonous ua hauj lwm. Lawv tuaj yeem tswj tau lawv txoj kev xav tau yooj yim, hloov kho sai sai rau qhov chaw tshiab thiab koom nrog lwm tus neeg. Kev hais lus ntawm cov neeg sawv cev ntawm tus cwj pwm no yog kev xav, nrawm, nrog rau lub ntsej muag ntawm lub ntsej muag, meej thiab nrov. Sanguine thiab choleric hauv qhov no yog me ntsis zoo ib yam rau ib leeg. Cov neeg sawv cev ntawm sanguine temperament tsis tuaj yeem sawv monotony. Yog hais tias stimuli thiab xwm txheej ceev hloov ib leegphooj ywg, tshiab impressions yog tas li tam sim no, lawv manifest lawv tus kheej los ntawm lub active sab. Yog hais tias cov teebmeem yog monotonous thiab ntev, ces tus neeg sanguine sai sai poob kev txaus siab rau lawv thiab pib dhuav. Ib tug sanguine-choleric yuav nyob rau tib lub sij hawm qhia me ntsis chim

Sanguine thiab choleric
Sanguine thiab choleric

Cov neeg mob choleric yog mobile heev, nrawm, zoo siab thiab tsis sib npaug. Lawv txoj kev puas siab puas ntsws yog khaus thiab cua daj cua dub. Nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv no, excitation prevails tshaj inhibition, uas yog yam ntxwv ntawm no hom ntawm cov hlab ntsha. Qhov no yog colorfully manifested nyob rau hauv impetuosity, intemperance, npau taws thiab chim siab ntawm ib tug neeg. Nyob rau hauv ib tug sib xyaw temperament ntawm ib tug sanguine-choleric, cov qualities yog softened, uas ua rau nws tus neeg sawv cev nyob twj ywm thiab sib npaug.

Cov neeg uas muaj tus cwj pwm choleric muaj lub ntsej muag ntse, tsis muaj kev txwv tsis pub hais nrawm, txav txav thiab nthuav tawm lub ntsej muag. Lub zog ntawm kev xav hauv cov tib neeg no yog siab heev, thiab lawv qhov kev tshwm sim yog qhov txawv ntawm kev ua neej nyob thiab ci ntsa iab. Ib tug neeg uas muaj tus cwj pwm no yuav muaj kev hloov pauv ntawm lub siab xav. Qhov tsis txaus ntseeg cuam tshuam rau nws txoj haujlwm txhua hnub.

temperameter hom
temperameter hom

Tus neeg mob choleric nyiam ib yam dab tsi, txaus siab rau kev lag luam, kov yeej cov teeb meem, ua haujlwm nce siab, ua kom pom nws lub zog thiab nrawm ntawm kev txav mus los. Txawm li cas los xij, thaum nws lub zog poob qis, qhov avalanche zoo li poob rau hauv kev ua si tshwm sim. Lub siab xav hloov pauv sai heev, thiab tus neeg sawv cev ntawm tus cwj pwm no pib coj tus cwj pwm tsis txaus ntseeg thiab aggressively, thaum uas qhia txog kev xav tsis zoo.incontinence. Raws li qhov no, cov xwm txheej tsis sib haum xeeb feem ntau tshwm sim. Nyob rau hauv ib tug sib xyaw temperament sanguine-choleric, qhov hnyav ntawm qee qhov tsis zoo ntawm qhov kawg feem ntau txo qis.

Ntau yam tsis zoo ntawm tus cwj pwm choleric tuaj yeem raug them los ntawm qhov zoo uas lwm hom kev npau taws muaj nyob rau hauv lawv cov arsenal. "Ntshiab" choleric thiab sanguine, nrog rau cov neeg sawv cev ntawm lwm cov cim warehouses, xyaum tsis tshwm sim. Txhua hom kev npau taws tshwm sim hauv cov yam ntxwv ntawm tus neeg nruab nrab.

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